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     1. add up to
     合计达;总括起来意味着。此语本义指“合计为”,在日常生活中多用喻义,即“总括起来意味着”。在使用中应注意与“add up”一词的区别。“add up”本指“把 … 加起来”,其喻义为“言之有理,说得通”,如:the facts just dont add up.(这些事情合计起来不对头。)
     a: the cashier said he had locked the safe before he left. 出纳说他走时把保险柜锁上了。
     b: but how did the money disappear from it if it was locked? 如果锁上了那钱怎么没的?
     a: i just wonder... 我只是奇怪……
     b: what do you think it all adds up to? 你想这一切意味着什么?
     a: it adds up to the fact that we have been cheated. 意味着我们被骗了。
     2. agree to differ
     a: what do you mean? 你是什么意思?
     b: considering the major contracts they might give us, i overlooked the small loss. 考虑到他们可能与我们签订大宗合同,小小的损失我就忽略不计了。
     a: so you agreed to differ? 所以你就求同存异?
     b: thats right. 没错。
     3. all told
     合计;总之。此语原义为“总计,合计”,引申为“总之”。如:all told,it was a great credit to them.(总之,这给他们大大增了光。)
     a: how many people attended todays meeting?有多少人参加了今天的会议?
     b: there were seventeen of us at the meeting, all told. 一共有十七个人。
     a: issue an announcement that if somebody doesn’t attend meeting next time, his or her bonus will be deducted. 发布一则通知,就说如果有人下一次不参加会议,他或她的奖金全扣。
     4. all wet
     搞错了。wet原义为“湿的”,引申为某人“没经验”。all wet多见于美国俚语,意为“大错特错”。
     a: i made a reservation two days ago. my name is david johnson. 我前天在这儿预订了房间,我叫戴维-约翰逊。
     b: reservation? what do you mean? 预订?什么意思?
     a: i booked a single room here for tonight. 我订了一间今晚的单人房。
     b: oh! youre all wet, actually. this is not a hotel. the hotel is the building across the road. 哦,你搞错了。这不是旅馆,旅馆是路对过的那座楼。

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