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     a accessory 辅料
    back across 后背宽
    across measure 横量
    acrylic 腈纶
    adhesive / fusible interlining 粘衬
    antique brass coating 镀青古铜
    antistatic finish 防静电处理
    apparel 成衣
    appealing look 吸引人的外表
    approval sample 批办
    approved sample with signing name 签名批办
    armhole 夹圈
    assembling of front %26 back part 前后幅合并
    assembling section 合并部分
    attach collar 上领
    attach label 上商标
    attachment (车缝)附件
     b back cover front 后搭前
    back mid-armhole 后背宽
    back stitch 返针,回针
    backless dress 露背装
    bar coded sticker 条形码贴纸
    bargaining 讨价还价
    bar-tack 打枣
    baste 假缝
    batilk 蜡染
    bearer 袋衬
    bearer %26 facing 袋衬袋贴
    bedford cord. 坑纹布,经条灯心绒
    bell bottom 喇叭裤脚
    bellows pocket 风琴袋
    belt 腰带
    belt-loop 裤耳
    bias cut 斜纹裁,纵纹裁
    bifurcate 分叉
    binder 包边蝴蝶,滚边蝴蝶
    binding 包边
    binding of slv. opening r折
    binding of top vent 面叉包边
    binding tape 包边
    binding/bound 滚条
    blanket 毛毯,地毯
    bleach 漂白
    bleach spot 漂白污渍
    bleeding 洗水后褪色
    blend fibre 混纺纤维
    blends 混纺
    blind stitch 挑脚线步
    blouse 女装衬衫
    body pressing 衫身熨烫
    body rise 直浪
    …… ……

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