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     1. when she loses her temper, there’s nothing you can do about it.当她发脾气时,你简直拿她没办法。
     2. don’t worry about her, she was rather ill this morning, but now she’s full of beans.别为她担心,她今天早上病得蛮厉害,但现在已经活蹦乱跳了。
     3. it won’t be a surprise; my child has spilled the beans to him.他不会吃惊了,我的孩子已经泄露了秘密。
     4. that guy is a pushover for flattery.那家伙很喜欢受人奉承。
     5. take it easy. worry won’t help. you’ll go nuts if you keep worrying this way.放轻松一点,担心是没有用的。你再这样下去我会发疯的。
     6. it’s a long story, but put it in a nutshell, he got killed by another bad guy.说来话长,不过长话短说,他被另一个坏蛋干掉了。
     7. i never thought we’d have to care so much about personal relations when i was at school.在学校时,我从来没想过还得处理这么多的人际关系。
     8. don’t get me wrong. no one is perfect. i know i could be barking up the wrong tree sometimes.不要误解我,没有人十全十美。我有时也会搞错的。
     9. i’ve been learning english since i was ten, but i can never say i’m at the top of the tree.我从十岁就开始学英文,可我永远都不能说我已经到了炉火纯青的地步。
     10. is that your twin brother? you’re as like as two peas.那是你双胞胎弟弟吗?你们两个长得像一个模子里刻出来的。
     11. don’t waste too much time talking; after all we have to grasp the nettle.别浪费时间聊天了,无论如何我们得迎着困难上。
     12. you must have heard it through the grapevine.你一定是道听途说。
     13. i’ll leave you alone. i’m sure you don’t want me to play gooseberry.我想让你们单独在一起,我肯定你们不想让我当电灯泡吧。
     14. he said he didn’t want to just because nobody asked him to,can’t you see it is sour grapes?他说他不想去仅仅是因为没人邀请他去,你没看出来他是吃不到葡萄就说葡萄是酸的吗?
     15. my daughter is really a lovely girl, but when you can’t satisfy her, she’ll have a fit.我女儿确实很可爱,但你没法满足她时,她会大发脾气。
     16. my girlfriend was crossed in love when i met her and offered my hand.当我帮我女朋友一把时,她正为情所困呢。
     17. i haven’t seen bob for a long time. i wonder if he’s still alive and kicking.很长时间没见到鲍勃了,不知他是否还是那样生气勃勃。
     18. i’m sick of your pretenses. you sold me down to the river to the public. how dare you, you traitor!假惺惺的,真让人恶心。在大家面前出卖我,你怎么敢这样?你这个叛徒!
     19. have you heard madonna’s song“materialist girl”?“no money, no honey.” girls are more realistic nowadays.你听过麦当娜的歌“实惠女郎”吗?“没有钱就没人爱”女孩们现在越来越现实了。
     20. oh, dear, it looks like you bought out the supermarket, can’t you see we’ve got a lot of junk to dispose of already!噢,天哪!你好像把超市都买空了,我们已经有很多东西要扔了!

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