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     冲灵剑法 gg and mm s soul sword
     九阳神功 nine mans power
     九阴真经 nine womanstory
     九阴白骨爪 nine woman catch a white bone
     神照经 god bless you
     胡家刀法 dr.husword
     两仪剑法 1/2 sword
     一阳指 one finger just like a penis
     洗髓经 wash bone
     苗家刀法 maios sword
     易筋经 change your bone
     龙象波若功 d and e comble togeter
     梯云纵心法 elevator jump
     轻功水上飘 flying skill
     小无相功 a unseen power
     太玄经 all fools daliy
     胡青牛医书 buffulo hus medicine bo
     五毒秘传 the experience of eat drink fuck bet and sme
     药王神篇 king of drag
     七伤拳 7hurted organ
     吸星大法 suck star over china
     天山六阳掌 6 men of mountain skys press
     黯然销魂掌 deepblue press
     松风剑法 softwind sword
     回风落雁剑法 comeback sword
     血刀经 blood strike
     金刚伏魔圈 supermans cover
     八荒六合唯我独尊功 my name is no.1
     含沙射影 shoot you with a machine gun
     葵花宝典 sunflower bible /from gentlenan to a lady
     打狗棒法 guide of dog beating
     白虹剑 rainbow of milk
     飞龙在天 fiying in the sky
     见龙在田 i see you on the firm
     鸿渐于陵 d day
     潜龙勿用 dont bother me while i am sleeping
     突如其来 an accident
     震惊百里 bang
     时乘六龙 i have 6bmw
     密云不雨 have girlfriend without wife
     履霜冰至 sars is comeing
     鱼跃于渊 fish also can fly
     损则育予 you lost

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