您现在的位置:成功创业网 - 商务外语 - 今夜,我失眠(中英对照)


     tonight, i got an insomnia, maybe that is because i drunk too much tea in daytime.
     today, oh, no, it should be called yesterday, now it is about two oclock in wee hours. i got a happy yesterday, i played with my lovely niece all the morning, at the afternoon, i went for a drive together with my friend and customer, really funy, and at night, i got the bag which i have expected for a long time, which is the gift alibaba gave me.. really happy.
     at this moment, i feel so happy, because there are too many people who care me around me. this is the happyness that i have looked for and expected for a long time, unexpected, it appear now. thanks for them who care me. it is them who give me happyness.
     tonight, i got an insomnia, lying in the bed with open eye, i couldnt fall asleep, though i felt sleepy.i got up, undrew the window curtain, opened the window, i was sitting beside the window, watching from outside.(its all the dark outside, the dark sky, the dark street, the dark building, and the faint light from street lamp in the darkness.
     what a silence, everything is so still, i like the stillness, i enjoy the moment.everyone, no matter he is rich or poor, happy or not, kind or unkind, at this moment laying in the bed still and equally, without consisiousness, perceive nothing, and worry nothing. )
     tonight, i got an insomnia,i heard that a strong cold snap is going to approach, but now, when sitting beside the window, being in the autumnal begown. i coudlnt feel the cold of the cold snap.
     tonight, i got an insomnia,insomnia is really afflictive.
     tonight, i got an insomnia,lying open the paper, taking the pen, i wirte down this special moment.
     今夜, 我失眠。可能是白天喝太多茶的缘故。
     这种感觉,便是我追寻已久,期望已久的幸福, 没想到,现在居然能体会到。感谢他们。给了我幸福。
     索性,我起床,拉开窗帘,打开窗子, 坐在窗边。 外面黑呼呼的一片。黑呼呼的天空, 黑呼呼的街道,黑呼呼的建筑物,偶尔透着街上路灯所发出的微弱灯光。好静好静,一切都那么静,那么静。但我喜欢这种静,喜欢这一刻,现在所有的人,无论贫穷的,富裕的,开心的,不开心的,善良的,还是丑恶的人,这一刻,都一样,静静地躺在床上,没有意识地睡着。什么也不用想,什么也不用担心。
     今夜,我失眠, 索性摊开纸来,拿起笔,记录下这特别的一刻。

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