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     进出口实用英语—订货 offer
     1. 鼓励订货, 保证交货 owing to the increase of demand, you will probably make an order.
     if we are right in thinking this, would you care to place your order now?
     we can ensure immediate dispatch from our stock.
     2. 提供各项资料,劝诱订货 we trust that you have received our catalogs and price-list.
     now that you have had a chance to examine what we have sent to you, we are enclosing an order form for you to make an order easily.
     3. 通知对方广告 活动将引起抢购, 希望尽早订购 our advertising campaign is due to begin next month.
    experience shows that many orders follow these advertisements, and sales are certain to result.
     we strongly advise you to lay in at least a small stock.
     4. 鼓励在产品涨价前订货 from april 1st the prices of all our products will be raised by 10%.
     even with this increase the prices of our products are still slightly lower than those of our competitors.
     concerning the business you are negotiating, we will charge you old prices on all orders received here up to and including april 30.
     we look forward to your orders.
     5. 指定装运日期作为订购条件 we are pleased to place our order for 500 tons of grapefruit with you if you can guarantee shipment from los angeles to jilong by may 20.
     please confirm acceptance of our order urgently.
     6. 试验性订购 we are pleased to make a trial order for 100 units of your electric portable typewriter.
    if these typewriters prove satisfactory, we shall send you regular orders.
     please send us any sales promotional literature you may have.
     we request your shipment by august 10.
     7. 接受报价, 以信函作为正式订单 thank you for your quotation of october 15, and we note that the total cost of the 500 units of electric refrigerator is us$35,000 cif jilong.
     we agree to this price, and ask you to accept this letter as our offical order for the goods in question.
     8. 决定订购, 并索取必要文件 we have decided to place an order with you and have instructed the bank of china, shanghai to open an l/c in your favor.
     when executing the order, please attach the bills of lading, commercial invoices, packing lists, and marine insurance policy to your draft.
     9. 答复客户, 确认库存有货 we are very pleased to accept your order and confirm that all the items required are in stock.
     it is a pleasure to have the opportunity of supplying you with our goods and we are sure that you will be satisfied with the quality of our goods.
     10. 确认订单, 并保证装运 we are very glad to receive your order for 100 units of compact disc to be supplied to your own specifications.
     you may rest assured that your compact discs will be ready for shipment by september 30.
    we will inform you when the order is ready for dispatch.
     11. 接收此次的订购条件, 但下不为例 thank you for your order of june 10. we have accepted the terms you proposed.
     weve already tried to meet the reasonable requirements of your company.
     however this concession is exceptional and future orders can be executed only on our normal trade terms.
     12. 提醒对方注意货品品质 as this order is of particular importance to us, please pay special attention in the execution of this order.
     if inferior goods are delivered and unfavorable impression is established among the customers, we will not be able to remove it.
     13. 通知对方订单的履行日期, 并允通知装运 all the goods you require are in stock, and we can execute the order to san francisco well before october 9.
     as requested we will inform you of the date of dispatch immediately on completing shipment.
     14. 以装船日期作为订货条件 if you can guarantee shipment on or before april 30, we are prepared to make a trial order.
     our order is given on this condition, and we reserve the right of cancellation on the execution of this order after this date.
     15. 通知对方货物延期运达 we have received the information that your order may not arrive by october 31.
     we shall, of course, do our utmost to execute your order by the date stipulated.
     however please note that a delay of about two weeks seems to be unavoidable.
     16.要求延缓交货期限 the shipment date stipulated by you does not give us sufficient time to execute your order.
     we are anxious to serve you but you will see the need for giving us a little more time.
     17.通知对方短期内无法安装好必要设备,故拒绝接收订单 in order to meet the limit you required in your specifications, we have to install special equipment to a large scale at our plant. without interrupting our normal production, this would not be operational before april next year.
     we are really very sorry. we are not in a position to accept your order.
     18. 因订单所依报价过期而拒绝接收订单 thank you for your order no.650.
     however, wages and materials have risen considerably, in addition to the increase of taxes and we are reluctantly compelled to adjust our prices in order to cover these increases.
     we regret our inability to accept the order at the prices we quoted before.
     19. 因要求折扣而无法接收订单 we have received your order today.
     however, before we send our formal order confirmation we have to inform you that we cannot accept your request for a 5% discount.
     as we stated in our previous letter, we cannot make any other discount than what is on our price-list.
     20. 因运送过迟而取消订货 we stressed the necessity of shipping our order so that it may reach here by september 30.
     but we have not received any shipping advice since october 30.
     please understand that we have no other choice but to cancel the order.
     21. 由于未能履行契约, 因而取消订单 as you have not fulfilled your obligation on delivery of the other, we hasten to advise you that we are compelled to cancel the order.
     22.因交易条件不合, 取消订单 as your terms of trade are not acceptable to us , we are sorry to cancel our fax order of april 10.
     23. 指定交货日期, 否则取消订单 unless our order is shipped by april 10, we shall have no choice but to cancel the order.
     moreover we request you assume the responsibilities resulting from your not fulfilling the order.

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