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     eel shaft 滑轮轴
     sliding wheel 滑轮
     sliding york 滑动叉
     sliding-vane compressor 滑片式空气压缩机
     sliding-vane meter 滑片式流量计
     sliding-vane rotary blower 滑片式旋转鼓风机
     slim skirt 旗袍裙
     slim taper saw file 窄形三角锉
     slime centrifuge 矿泥离心脱水机
     slime control agent 杀粘菌剂
     slime crusher 沉渣碾碎机
     slimer 细粉碎机
     slimicide 杀粘菌剂
     slimmer 女用套衫
     slimming bath essence 苗条浴精
     slimming cream 减肥霜
     slims 细腿紧身裤
     sling bag for carrying infant 婴儿吊袋
     sling hygrometer 摆动湿度计
     sling psychrometer 悬挂式湿度计
     sling thermometer 悬挂式温度计
     sling wire rope 钢丝吊索
     sling 吊索
     slingcart 吊装车
     slink 轻飘合身的连衣裙
     slip clutch 滑动离合器
     slip cover 家具套
     slip drawing machine 滑动式拉丝机
     slip gauge 浆料稠度计
     slip glaze 泥浆釉
     slip jaw clutch 波纹齿滑动式离合器
     slip joint pliers 鲤鱼钳
     slip joint 伸缩接头
     slip meter 滑差计
     slip over 套衫
     slip regulator 转差调节器
     slip relay 转差继电器
     slip ring brush 滑环电刷
     slip ring generator 滑环式发电机
     slip ring motor 滑环式电动机
     slip scraper 滑行刮土机
     slip trailer 泥浆挤出器
     slip wire-drawing machine 滑动拉丝机
     slip yoke 伸缩轭
     slip 长衬裙
     slip-form concrete paver 滑模混凝土摊铺机
     slip-form paver 铺路机
     slip-on gloves 宽袖中长手套
     slip-on shirt 套头衬衫
     slip-on 套领衫
     slip-over dress 连衫裙
     slip-ring induction motor 滑环式感应电动机
     slip-ring type induction motor 滑环式感应电动机
     slipons 便鞋
     slipper brake 滑块制动器
     slipper collector 滑动集电器
     slipper piston 滑履活塞
     slipper satin 鞋面花缎
     slipper socks 连袜便鞋
     slippers 拖鞋
     slipping cam 滑轮凸轮
     slipping contact detector 滑触检波器
     slipping switch 滑动式开关
     slipping toothed electromagnetic clutch 牙嵌式电磁离合器
     slipping wire drawing machine 滑动式拉丝机
     slips 低级棉绒布
     slit burner 缝式燃烧器
     slit camera 狭缝摄影机
     slit fibre 切膜纤维
     slit gauge 狭缝规
     slit lamp corneal microscope 裂隙灯角膜显微镜
     slit lamp microscope 裂隙灯显微镜
     slit lamp 裂隙灯
     slit lens 开缝透镜
     slit nut 开合螺母
     slit spectrograph 狭缝摄谱仪
     slit spectroscope 狭缝分光镜
     slit ultramicroscope 缝隙超显微镜
     slit-skirt piston 开口裙式活塞
     slitless tube mill 无缝钢管轧机
     slitter knife 切带机刀片
     slitter 切纸机
     slitting and rereeling machine 纵切复卷机
     slitting and rewinding machine 纵切复卷机
     slitting cutter with coarse teeth 粗齿切口铣刀
     slitting cutter with fine teeth 细齿切口铣刀
     slitting cutter 锯片铣刀
     slitting machine 纵切机
     slitting mill 滚切机
     slitting paper 纵切纸
     slitting saw 开槽锯
     slitting shears 纵切剪机
     sliver and roving length sampler 条粗测长器
     sliver can 棉条筒
     sliver evenness tester 粗条子均匀度试验机
     sliver lap machine 条卷机
     sliver lay-in circular knitting machine 毛条喂入式圆型针织机
     sliver printing machine 棉条印花机
     sliver spinning machine 条子直接纺纱机
     slivering machine 成条机
     slo-gro 抑芽丹
     sloat 舞台布景升降机
     sloe gin 黑刺李锦酒
     slogging hammer 平锤
     slop 宽大罩衣
     slope control timer 陡度调整计时器
     slope conveyer 倾斜输送机
     slope detector 斜率检波器
     slope filter 斜率滤波器
     slope grader 平坡机
     slope indicator 测角器
     slope meter 斜率计
     slope potentiometer 互导调整电位计
     slope regulating amplifier 斜调放大器
     slope trimmer 斜坡平整机
     sloper 铲坡机
     sloppy hat 软毡帽
     slot damper 槽隙阻尼器
     slot drill 槽钻
     slot field-effect transistor 沟道场效应晶体管
     slot machine 自动售货机
     slot magnetron 开槽式磁控制管
     slot mesh screen 长方孔筛
     slot milling cutter 槽铣刀
     slot milling machine 铣槽机
     slot sieve 长缝筛
     slot washer 开口垫圈
     slot-guide intersector 槽缝式旋转针梳机
     slotted commutator 有槽整流子
     slotted flat head wood screw 一字槽平头木螺丝
     slotted head screw 槽头螺钉
     slotted liner 割缝衬管
     slotted nut 有槽螺母
     slotted oval countersunk head wood screw 一字槽椭圆沉头木螺丝
     slotted point screwdriver 一字槽螺丝刀
     slotted round head wood screw 一字槽圆头木螺丝
     slotted screen 长方孔筛
     slotted screw 有槽螺钉
     slotted screwdriver with plastic handle 塑柄一字螺丝刀
     slotted screwdriver with wooden handle 木柄一字螺丝刀
     slotted spring-finger plunger 带有弹簧销的槽式活塞
     slotter 插床
     slotting cutter without sharp teeth 无尖齿切槽刀
     slotting cutter 槽铣刀
     slotting end mill 键槽立铣刀
     slotting machine 插床
     slotting saw with coarse teeth 粗齿锯片铣刀
     slotting saw with fine teeth 细齿锯片铣刀
     slotting saw with medium teeth 中齿锯片铣刀
     slotting saw 开槽锯
     slotting tool 插刀
     slow access memory 慢速存取存储器
     slow counter 慢速计数管
     slow neutron counter 慢中子计数器

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