您现在的位置:成功创业网 - 商务外语 - 中英对照商标术语(2)


     分别申请 separate application
     重新申请 new registration
     别行申请  new application
     变更申请 application regarding changes
     注册代理 trade mark agency
     注册公告 trade mark publication
     申请注册 application for registration
     续展注册 renewal of registration
     转让注册 registration of assignment
     变更注册人名义/地址/其它注册事项 modification of name/address of registrant/other matters
     补发商标证书 reissuance of registration certificate
     注销注册商标 removal
     证明 certification
     异议 opposition
     使用许可合同备案 recordal of license contract
     驳回商标复审 review of refused trademark
     驳回续展复审 review of refused renewal
     驳回转让复审 review of refused assignment
     撤销商标复审 review of adjudication on opposition
     异议复审 review of adjudication on opposition
     争议裁定 adjudication on disputed registered trademark
     撤销注册不当裁定 adjudication on cancellation of improperly registered trademark
     撤销注册不当复审 review on cancellation of improperly registered trademark
     处理商标纠纷案件 dealing with infringement
     优先权 priority
     注册申请优先日 date of priority
     注册商标使用人 user of registered trade mark
     注册商标专用权 exclusive right to use registered trade mark
     注册商标的转让 assignment of registered trade mark
     商标的许可使用 licensing of registered trade mark
     使用在先原则 principle of first to use
     注册在先原则 principle of first application
     商标国际分类 international classification of goods
     专利 patent
     专利权 patent right
     专利权人 patentee
     专利代理 patent agency
     产品专利 product patent
     专利性 patentability
     专利申请权 right to apply for a patent
     专利说明书 patent specification
     专利要求书 patent claim
     专利证书 letter of patent
     商标淡化法 trademark dilution act
     商标权的权利穷竭 exhaustion trademark
     平行进口 parallel import
     灰色进口 gray import
     反向假冒 reverse passing-off
     显行反向假冒 express reverse passing-off
     隐形反向假冒 implied reverse passing-off
     附带使用 collateral use
     知识产权 intellectual property
     工业产权 industrial property
     外观设计 design
     发明 invention
     发明人 inventor
     货源标记 indication of source
     原产地名称 appellation of origin (aos)
     地理标记 geographical indication (gis)

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