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走遍美国:文字 视听(EPISODE4)

     a piece of cake
     act 1. 视频下载
     marilyn: im exhausted. my new exercise class is so hard.
     richard: your new exercise class?
     marilyn: yeah. my new advanced exercise class.
     richard: why advanced?
     marilyn: my instructor thought that the beginners class was too easy for me.
     richard: too easy for you?
     marilyn: dont laugh. in the beginners class, they give you a chance to rest between exercises.
     richard: so?
     marilyn: the advanced class is nonstop.
     richard: i lift weights every morning for sixty minutes without stopping. no problem.
     marilyn: listen, richard, doing aerobics for an hour is a lot different than lifting weights.
     richard: yeah. quite a bit different. i think aerobics easy. i could work out in your class with no problem.
     marilyn: you think so?
     richard: oh, without a doubt. whens the next class?
     marilyn: tomorrow morning at ten 0clock. try it.
     richard: tomorrow morning after lifting weights, ill try aerobics. its a snap. tomorrow morning at ten 0clock.
     marilyn: arent you going to the aerobics class this morning?
     richard: of course. easy. no sweat.
     marilyn: you are not going to be able to move after this and the aerobics class.
     richard: are you kidding me? its going to be a piece of cake. you want to bet.
     marilyn: yeah. whats the bet?
     richard: i bet i can go one hour in your class this morning and not feel a thing!
     marilyn: the bet is---i win, and you cook dinner for the entire family. or you win, and i cook dinner for the entire family.
     richard: its a bet.
     marilyn: ok. call my instructor, jack davis, right now. his number is 555-8842.the advanced class starts at ten 0clock advanced class starts at ten oclock.
     richard: well, its eight twenty now.
     marilyn: it only takes eight minutes by bicycle to the aerobics class. give him a call.
     jack: davis aerobics centre for good health.
     richard: jack davis, please.
     jack: this is jack davis.
     richard: hello. this is richard stewart. my wife, marilyn stewart, is a member of your program. id like to come to the ten oclock advanced class this morning.
     jack: oh, fine, fine. be here a few minutes early. you need to complete some forms before the class.
     richard: thanks. im on my way over.
     jack: good-bye.
     richard: bye-bye. its all set. im going.
     marilyn: bye.
     richard: see you later.
     marilyn; good luck.
     richard: dont forget about the bet. dinner for the entire family. and that includes susan.
     marilyn: dont you forget.
     act 2. 视频下载
     jack: ok, richard. thats terrific. your pressure is 120 over 75, and thats fine. now stand up, please. good, its 122 over 80. you can sit down now. when was your last complete physical?
     richard: six months ago.
     jack: good.do you have any back or knee problems?
     richard: nope. i am in perfect health.
     jack: what do you do for a living, mr.stewart?
     richard: im a photographer.
     jack: interesting. what do you photograph?
     richard: everything. the american scene. people, places, events.
     jack: did you ever think of photographing an aerobics class?
     richard: no...i cant remember taking pictures of people exercising.
     jack: but dont you think itd be a goo subject?
     richard: sure.
     jack: i need some good photos for my advertising, mr.stewart, maybe you can photograph a class, and i can give you and mrs.stewart a month of classes-free.
     richard: when can i photograph a class?
     jack: anytime.
     richard: how about today?
     jack: terrific!
     jcak: hi.
     instructor: oh, hi.
     jack: are we ready to go?
     instructor: yeah. yeah. lets get in our lines. were going to take it slow first. stretch up...and were going to go left first...2,3,4...now stretch...ok,hold to the right. sunrises.stretch it out. flat back.bring it up...and twists...and side...2,3...and left...push...push...turn...hit the floor. take it side again...ok, and switch. stretch it out .and were going to warm down with a tango.left, right. enjoy it.
     marilyn: richard, did you go to the davis aerobics calss today?
     richard: yes, i went to the aerobics class today.
     marilyn: what is wrong with you?
     richard: nothing. i am in excellent health. i have ideal blood pressure. a perfect heart.in other words, im in wondeful condition.
     marilyn: richard, did you go to the aerobics class, really?
     marilyn: and your legs dont hurt?
     richard: hurt? what do you mean?
     marilyn: what about your arms? lift your arms up like this. and they dont hurt-not even a little?
     richard: nope.
     marilyn: you are in great condition. i cant believe it!
     act 3. 视频下载
     marilyn: grandpa, ellen, philip, robbie, you and me. thats six steaks.
     richard: dont forget susan.
     marilyn: seven steaks. cooking dinner for the entire family is not so easy. the shopping: the salad: tomatoes,lettuce, cucumbers, and onions. the main course:steak and potatoes. richard, how much broccoli do i need for seven people?
     richard: marilyn, i have to tell you something. at todays exercise class...
     marilyn: yes, richard.
     richard: well, i didnt really exercise.
     marilyn: i knew it!
     richard: i wanted to, but jack davis needed a photographer. im sorry, marilyn.
     marilyn: i dont understand. did you exercise or not?
     richard: no.instead of exercising, i photographed the class.
     marilyn: and you didnt exercise?
     richard: no.
     marilyn: theres another advanced class today at four 0clock. well go together.
     richard: what about the bet?
     marilyn: oh, the bet is still on, but you shop for the groceries.remember, you win, and i cook dinner for the entire family.
     richard: you win, and i cook dinner for the entire family.
     marilyn: including susan. four 0clock at the advanced exercise class. with me.
     jack: dont forget to breathe.
     instructor: skip, hop, front, twist...again...ok,now...scissors.
     richard: this is fun.its a piece of cake.
     marilyn: yeah.just wait.
     instuctor: 5, 6, 7, go right, 1, 2, back, 3, 1, 2, 3, pony, pony...1, 2, 3, kick...1, 2, 3, kick...pony. and twist, twist.
     jack: ok. lets pick up the pace.
     marilyn: how are you doing, richard?
     richard: i can barely move.
     instructor: 2,3,4,front.now were going to run it off. front...knees up, knees up.
     jack: ok, finish off by jogging in place. ok. keep those knees up. all right.thats it for today. thank you, everyone. see you next week.
     richard: thank you, jack, but no thank you.
     marilyn: the advanced exercise class is not so easy, huh?
     richard: come on, richard.get up. lets go, you have to cook dinner for the entire family.
     richard: marilyn, im exhausted. i cant move.
     marilyn: oh, youll do it. its a piece of cake.
     jack: excuse me, richard,marilyn.
     richard: you are a terrific instructor, jack.
     jack: thanks. but i have a question. is this your very first advanced aerobics class?
     richard: yes,it is.
     jack: you are in great shape, richard.very few people last in this class for the full hour the very first time.
     marilyn: its true. you are in great shape.
     richard: thanks!
     marilyn: i think well cook dinner together.

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