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走遍美国:文字 视听(EPISODE9)

     it′s up to you
     act 1. 视频下载
     robbie: who is it?
     philip: dad.
     robbie: come on in, dad.
     philip: i thought you might be hungry. i brought you a chicken sandwich and a glass of milk.
     robbie: i am hungry. thanks, dad. what time is it, anyway?
     philip: ten 0clock. what are you working on?
     robbie: im writing a story for the high-school paper.
     philip: cant you finish it tomorrow?
     robbie: no, i have to turn it in in the morning.
     philip: whats it about?
     robbie: im writing an article on the feelings about graduation.
     philip: and...how do you feel?
     robbie: me? a little scared. and excited, too.
     philip: i felt the same way.
     robbie: the scary parts leaving home and moving to college.
     philip: oh, leaving home is part of growing up. well, dont work all night.
     robbie: i dont mind. i enjoy writing.
     philip: well, maybe you should think about becoming a writer.
     robbie: maybe i should.
     philip; you have lots of time to decide.
     robbie: thats the worst part-making decisions.
     philip: youll be ok. good night, son.
     robbie: good night, dad.
     grangpa%26amp;philip: "hail to the victors valiant, hail to the conquering heroes, hail, hail to michigan, the champions of the west!"
     philip: ah, good morning robbie.
     robbie: good morning, dad.
     grandpa: hows my grandson?
     robbie: fine, grandpa. fine! whats all the cheering about did the university f michigan another football game?
     grandpa: better than that. tell him philip.
     philip: i just spoke with charley rafer.
     robbie: whos charley rafer?
     philip: hes the dean of admission for the university of michigan.
     grandpa: and it turns out hes a classmate of philips.
     philip: we were both on the tennis team.
     robbie: great!
     philip: it is great. hes going to be in new york tomorrow to interview applicants for admission.
     grandpa: and hes agreed to fit you into his schedule.
     robbie: but i may not want to go to michigan.
     philip: its one of the best schools in the country, robbie. i studied medicine there. your grandfather went to the engineering school there.
     robbie: i know that, but...
     grandpa: you said you wanted to be a doctor like your father.
     robbie: not exactly.
     grandpa: you couldnt pick a finer medical school than michigan.
     robbie: yes, i know that.
     philip: lets meet with charley at the university club. ten 0clock tomorrow morning. it doesnt mean youre going michigan.
     grandpa: it doesnt mean you have to be a doctor. but the interview will be good experience for you.
     robbie: in that case, its ok. dad, growing up means making my own decisions, doesnt it?
     philip: youre right, robbie. but, like your grandpa suggested, have the interview.
     grandpa: and then make your own decision.
     robbie: that sounds fine.
     philip: i know its sudden, robbie, but this is an important opportunity. well head down there first thing tomorrow morning. ok?
     robbie: sure, dad.
     philip: i want you to know something, son. im...very proud of you.
     robbie: thanks, dad.
     philip: well, ive got an appointment at the hospital. ill see you all at dinnertime.
     robbie: bye, dad.
     grandpa: is something still wrong, robbie?
     robbie: ill be ok.
     grandpa: going away to college for the first time always makes one a little nervous.
     robbie: i guess so. ill be ok. i just need time to think.
     act 2. 视频下载
     philip: sorry, robbie. sorry to be late this morning, but, well, weve still got some time for a cup of coffee. i cant wait to see my old pal charley rafer.
     robbie: neither can i.
     philip: so you thought about it, huh?
     robbie: yes, i have, dad.
     philip: well, im glad. i knew youd realize that this interview could be an important experience for you.
     robbie: i came to that conclusion.
     philip: thats very wise, robbie. very wise. now lets head off for the city and the university club.
     robbie: thanks, dad.
     philip: thanks...for what?
     robbie: thanks for hearing me out. and...
     philip: and...?
     robbie: and thanks for being such an understanding father.
     philip: well, thank you, robbie. thank you.
     dean: philip stewart! its great to see you!
     philip: charley rafer---you look as young as ever.
     dean: you must be robbie.
     robbie: hi.
     philip: yes, this is my youngest son robbie. robbie, i want you to meet one of the best tennis players on the michigan team-charley rafer.
     robbie: nice to meet you, dean rafer.
     dean: well, are you as good a tennis player as your dad?
     robbie: no, im not very good at it.
     philip: frankly, neither was i. charley was the star of the team.
     dean: yeah. thanks. well, howve you been, philip?
     philip: oh, working too hard.
     dean: doesnt show. hows ellen?
     philip: fine, thank you. and hows marge?
     dean: shes still giving the toughest english history exams in the school and loving every minute of it. and speaking of minutes, i have interviews until noon, so why dont we get right to work?
     philip: can you have lunch with us later?
     dean: id love to , philip, but im afraid i cant. im only here two days, and i have interviews with twenty-six applicants.
     philip: i understand. well, thanks. ill wait outside. good luck, son.
     dean: did you bring your transcript from high school?
     robbie: yes, sir. right here.
     dean: thank you. please sit down.
     dean: i see under "activities" that youve been writing for the school paper.
     robbie: yes, sir.
     dean: what kinds of articles have you written?
     robbie: all kinds-sports, editorials, theater reviews. you name it, ive written it.
     dean: hmmm. well, have you ever thought of becoming a journalist?
     robbie: a professional writer? not until recently.
     dean: michigan has a fine school of journalism.
     robbie: yes, i know that.
     dean: you seem to have some reservations.
     robbie: im a little uncertain.
     dean: its been very nice talking to you.
     robbie: nice talking to you, sir.
     dean: one piece of advice. the most important thing is for you to decided your own future.
     robbie: yes, sir. good-bye. dean rafer.
     dean: good-bye. robbie. good luck.
     act 3. 视频下载
     mike: i had an interview today, too. i had a great interview with admissions at columbia university.
     robbie: really? what did they say? will you get into the school?
     mike: well, they didnt say anything for sure. but i figure that with my grades and with my personality, ill have no problem.
     robbie: columbias a terrific school. what are you going to do?
     mike: do? i dont know. i also applied to nyu.
     robbie: you sound excited about columbia. whats your problem, mike?
     mike: indecision. indecision. its not easy, and this is an important decision we have to make. what about you? how as your interview with michigan?
     robbie: the interview was fine.
     mike: its a great college.
     robbie: it is. my father would like me to go there. he and my grandpa both went there.
     mike: great medical school, too.
     robbie: i know.
     mike: you can follow in your fathers footsteps.
     robbie: ah! id like to follow in my own footsteps, mike.
     mike: what do you want to study?
     robbie: ive been thinking. i think i want to study journalism to be a reporter-a newspaperman.
     mike: you do a pretty good job on the riverdale high school paper.
     robbie: and ive been thinking about it a lot lately.
     mike: have you discussed it with your parents?
     robbie: no. but i have to.
     mike: ok. lets talk.
     philip: hi, dad. everythings fine. i was just waiting for your to get home so we could talk.
     philip: anything special you want to talk about?
     robbie: there is, dad.
     philip; im listening.
     robbie: well, i know you and mom have given up a lot to save money for my college tuition.
     philip: we want you to go to college, robbie.
     robbie: i know. i do.
     philip: but?
     robbie: well, ive thought a lot about which college, and one of them is columbia.
     philip: columbia? why columbia?
     robbie: first, they have an excellent school of journalism.
     philip: they do. and your friends are planning to go to columbia?
     robbie: thats only part of it. its complicated. ill try to explain. mike and i had a hamburger this afternoon, and we talked.
     philip: yes?
     robbie: well, we talked about a lot of thing .he applied to columbia, and his interview was very successful. he thinks hell be accepted, and he really wants to go there.
     philip: dean rafer called me today. he told me he was very impressed with you.
     robbie: hes a nice man. he was very kind.
     philip: he told me you had some doubts about wanting to go to michigan.
     robbie: yes. i do. im just not sure about what i want to do.
     philip: thats ok.
     robbie: you understand?
     philip: let me tell you something, robbie. something that might be surprising to you.
     robbie: what? tell me.
     philip: well, grandpa wanted me to study engineering, like him. well, i wasnt clear about my future, but i knew engineering was not for me.
     robbie: what did you tell grandpa?
     philip: the truth.
     robbie: then youre not upset about my not wanting to go into medicine?
     philip: im not upset at all. im just happy that were able to talk about it.
     robbie: i am too, dad.
     philip: i suppose you want to apply to columbia.
     robbie: yes, but i also wanted to apply to several other colleges.
     philip: i thought you wanted to go to columbia.
     robbie: well, i might want to go to columbia. but i might not. i just want to be able to make my own decision.
     philip: youre a real stewart!
     robbie: and if i think about it long enough, you never know...
     philip: never know what?
     robbie: if i make my own decision, i might choose michigan.
     philip: robbie, youre something! you know, when i was your age, said exactly the same thing to grandpa.

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