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走遍美国:文字 视听(EPISODE25)

     country music
     act 1. 视频下载
     richard: hot dogs. i love hot dogs. there is nothing better than a hot dog in the country.
     ellen: hot dogs and mustard.
     richard: cooked outdoors over an open fire. i wish i had one now.
     ellen: do you remember when daddy and i used to take you and susan and robbie to jones beach?
     richard: oh, i sure do.
     ellen: wed wait until dark and make a fire, and wed cook the hot dogs. oh, dont forget the mustard. and, oh, does anybody want ketchup?
     richard: i might as well take it along. and now to make sure weve got the hamburger patties. i have to remember to put them in the bag tomorrow morning before we leave.
     ellen: ill remind you, richard.
     richard: mom, we really appreciate your taking care of max for the weekend and giving up your free time.
     ellen: i love doing it. susan and harry have a sitter for michelle in the city, and im taking care of max. its no big deal. i am happy to do it for you.
     richard: i guess max is asleep by now. hes not crying anymore.
     ellen: oh, poor baby. hes teething.
     marilyn: well, hes asleep-finally. i feel so bad for him. it hurts so much when a baby gets his first teeth.
     ellen: hell be fine, marilyn.
     richard: well, he wakes up several times during the night, and the pain is so bad.
     marilyn: im really concerned about going away for the weekend, ellen, and leaving you with the full responsibility of taking care of max. especially with his teething. i wish he felt better.
     ellen: please dont worry, marilyn. remember your father-in-laws a pediatrician. we have a live-in doctor if theres a problem i cant handle.
     richard: i agree, marilyn. we really dont have to be overly concerned.
     richard: ill go upstairs and stay with him until he falls asleep again.
     marilyn: thanks, richard. try putting him across your lap on his stomach. he likes that.
     richard: i’ll try it.
     ellen: when are susan and harry picking you up, marilyn?
     marilyn: theyre coming by at six tomorrow morning, so we can get an early start.
     ellen: thats nice. and youll have a full day in the country.
     marilyn: and a full night. tomorrow night well be camping out in tents.
     ellen: and coming home on sunday?
     marilyn: well be heading back late in the afternoon.
     ellen: youre going to have the time of your lives. camping out is such great fun.
     marilyn: well have a great time camping out, im sure. but i’m still a little worried about you, ellen.
     ellen: it will be my great pleasure, marilyn. remember, its only one night.
     richard: hes asleep. i think hell sleep through the night now.
     marilyn: thanks, honey. i hope hes good when were away.
     richard: well, so do i. now, to check the list of things we need for the camping trip. we need to bring a flashlight.
     ellen: its in the right-hand drawer, next to the bottle openers.
     richard: do we have a bottle opener on the list, marilyn?
     marilyn: no. no bottle opener. is that one of the things susan and harry are bringing?
     richard: no. and were bring the ketchup, mustard, relish-all that stuff. and cooking utensils. well, heres the bottle opener, and heres the flashlight.
     ellen: matches.
     marilyn: matches?
     richard: yes, of course. for when we build our campfire. i cant build a fire by rubbing two pieces of wood together.
     marilyn: and dont forget your camera and film, richard.
     richard: all packed and ready.
     marilyn: and lets not forget our cassette player and some tapes. some music tapes and some blank tapes so that we can record our thoughts about the trip.
     ellen: oh, thats a nice idea. an audio diary.
     marilyn: thats what i thought.
     richard: got it! the cassette player and the tapes.
     act 2. 视频下载
     susan: oh, i love it! to be away from the city on such a beautiful day is my idea of heaven! the grass. the trees. the fresh air.
     harry: i told you youd like it. ive been doing this for years.
     richard: you have the spirit of a teenager, susan. wait till you see yourself jumping around.
     marilyn: thats what i love about susan. she works hard. she plays hard. shes a real stewart.
     harry: come on, richard. help me get this stuff out of the car.
     richard: where does it go?
     harry: well, well put everything over there. well set up our tents over there by the edge of the woods. then well be able to make our fire there where its safe.
     richard: oh, theres our table and benches. all set for eating.
     harry: thats what makes this spot so good.
     marilyn: is anybody hungry?
     susan: i am.
     harry: we just got here.
     susan: when youre out in the fresh air like this, it makes you hungry. arent you hungry, marilyn?
     marilyn: i sure am. how about you, richard?
     richard: starving.
     harry: you guys are like three kids.
     richard: arent you hungry, harry?
     harry: well, yeah. now that you mention it, i guess i am. i mean, how could a guy not be hungry with all this talk about eating?
     marilyn: wheres the bag with the chicken salad sandwiches?
     harry: right here, next to the ice packs. here. put the tablecloth on the picnic table, and i will bring the cola and the plastic cups.
     harry: well, how do you like it so far?
     richard: ive never been more relaxed.
     marilyn: me, neither.
     susan: i wish we had brought michelle, harry. she would have loved it.
     marilyn: oh, youre right. i wish we had brought max.
     richard: marilyn, susan, lets not begin to worry about michelle and max. were having a good time, and theyre in good hands.
     harry: richard is right. are you having a good time, susan? you havent answered my question.
     susan: i am having a good time, harry. i promise not to think about the city. were in the country. lets all just enjoy this wonderful place and this wonderful weather.
     harry: good.
     susan: this is heaven, harry! it was such a great idea to spend the weekend this way.
     harry: thanks, susan. i thought youd all like it.
     susan: like it? i love it! listen to the sounds of the summer that surround us. its so calming.
     harry: ive always liked camping out. away from the telephones and account books. its refreshing for me. i always go back to the city in a wonderful state of mind.
     susan: weve only been here for a day, and ive completely forgotten about all my business problems. the office seems so far away.
     harry: im glad you like it, susan. well spend many more weekends like this.
     susan: and next time well bring michelle, i wish she were here with us to enjoy the country.
     harry: and next time well bring michelle.
     marilyn: just listen to the sound. its so soothing.
     richard: i can hardly keep my eyes open. if only we could bottle the fresh air.
     marilyn: wouldnt it be wonderful?
     richard: we could call it "deep sleep country air."
     marilyn: it puts you to sleep. so does the sound. ive bee having a hard time keeping my eyes open just listening to it. its like a special music.
     richard: too bad we cant bottle the sound.
     marilyn: but we can!
     richard: can what?
     marilyn: bottle the sound.
     richard: what are you talking about?
     richard: oh, yeah? great idea! lets do it!
     act 3. 视频下载
     marilyn: im so glad everyone is asleep. i thought max would be crying, and everybody would be a wake.
     richard: what did i tell you? nothing to worry about.
     susan: im sure everything is fine. my mother knows all there is to know about taking care of babies, i assure you.
     harry: lets put some of this stuff away and then take off. weve got a forty-minute drive into the city.
     ellen: welcome home-and i do mean welcome home.
     richard: something wrong?
     ellen: oh, nothings wrong, richard. believe me, max is fine. but his teeth hurt, and he just cant get to sleep, poor dear.
     susan: neither can you.
     marilyn: oh, i feel so bad.
     ellen: oh, im fine. how was your weekend?
     harry: we had a great time, mom.
     richard: it was wonderful. the weather couldnt have been better.
     ellen: it was nice here, too.
     marilyn: did you get a chance to get outside at all?
     ellen: oh, yes. grandpa helped me yesterday afternoon. i went to the supermarket to get a few things, and i stayed out an extra half hour. the village was filled people-the weather was so nice.
     richard: harrys a professional camper, mom. he knows all there is to know, and he made the weekend very easy for us to enjoy.
     harry: come on. you all helped.
     susan: you were wonderful, harry!
     marilyn: why dont you go to your room, mom, and get some sleep.
     ellen: oh, im fine. tell me more about your weekend. did you do anything special?
     susan: lots of special country things. we picked flowers.
     marilyn: and we brought some home for you. it was so nice to be out in the country.
     ellen: they smell wonderful.
     marilyn: everything smelled so special. it would have been great if we had been able to bottle the smells.
     harry: it would be a great business if you could do that.
     ellen: oh!
     marilyn: uh, were home now, ellen. well take care of it.
     richard: ill take care of it. lets see if it works.
     ellen: whats that?
     richard: a little wed better head home. its getting late, and we have a bit of a drive.
     harry: well, all your things are inside. theres your sleeping bag.
     marilyn: oh, thanks, harry.
     harry: say good-bye to richard. well call you all tomorrow night.
     marilyn: good-bye.
     susan: bye, mom.
     ellen: bye-bye.
     marilyn: bye.
     ellen: im so tired i think im overtired. i dont know if i can get to sleep.
     ellen: max has stopped crying.
     marilyn: yes. it works!
     richard: it works!
     ellen: what works?
     richard: this.
     ellen: oh. oh, where did you get that? it sounds so nice. i think im falling asleep.
     richard: like max did.
     richard: good night.
     marilyn: good night. sounds of the country. the soothing sounds of the country.

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