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Ordinary color TV manufacturers in China facing all-round business collapse

According to a report recently released by Pully Brand Technology Consulting Company, increasingly fierce competition has wiped out the profits margin of ordinary color TV manufacturers in China, and the whole ordinary color TV manufacturing sector in the country is facing an all-round business collapse.

According to statistics, Konka Group Co. posted about 700 million yuan (US$86.64 million) in loss for 2001, which was the second consecutive year for the company to report significant losses. Hisense Electric Company’s profits also kept declining, with arnings per share dropping from 0.4 yuan (US$0.05) when it got listings three years ago to the current negative 0.03 yuan (US$0.004). Although color TV giant Sichuan Changhong Electric Company’s results have a slight improvement from 2001, its earnings per share only reached 0.04 yuan (US$0.005). In addition, other color TV conglomerates, such as Skyworth and Xiahua, also posted losses. Ordinary color TV manufacturing sector in China has plunged into an all-round money-losing status.

As a matter of fact, ordinary color TV manufacturing sector was in all-round loss-making situation as early as in 1998. Although some companies claimed that they were still profitable in color TV manufacturing business, the so-called profitability was actually offset by earnings from other businesses. May color TV companies used their earnings from real estate business or capital market investment to support their collapsing color TV manufacturing.

The decline in ordinary color TV manufacturing business not only plagued domestic firms, but also hit some multinational brands. Japan-based Hitachi Electronics Ltd. has withdrawn its investment from its joint venture in Fuzhou, capital of Fujian province, and sold its 48 percent interest in the firm to local cooperation partners. Another Japanese company JVC also closed its two factories in Fuzhou and Wuhan, capital of Hubei province. There are also many multinational companies are planning to withdraw from the ordinary color TV sector.

The peak season for ordinary color TV has come to an end around the world, except in some underdeveloped countries in Africa and other continents. Scaling back from the ordinary color TV market in China is actually an important part of multinational companies’ global business restructuring.

Multinational companies once again advanced ahead of indigenous companies in this business structuring.

Sony Corp.’s joint venture in Shanghai now only manufactures 29-inch- and larger than 29-inch-screen color TV and rear-projection TV. JVC is managing to produce super-thin large-screen plasma TV and high- definition rear-projection color TV. Dalian Toshiba plans to increase investment to expand production capacity of rear-projection TV, and Hitachi has set up a large-screen projection ray tube (PRT) manufacturing base, Shenzhen Seg-Hitachi Color Display Devices Company Limited, and poured 4 billion Japanese yen (US$30.79 million) in rear-projection TV manufacturing. Matsushita Electric Industrial Co., Ltd. also launched rear-projection TVs onto the Chinese market. French company Thomson SA, which did not get involved in China’s ordinary color TV market, started to invest in rear-projection TV manufacturing. In addition South Korean company Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. and LG also started to expand rear-projection TV manufacturing.

In contrast to foreign competitors’ responses, when foreign giants were shifting their focus to the rear-projection market in China, Chinese companies hesitated, doubting the market prospect, and hence missed out the opportunity.

According to Pully Brand Technology Consulting Company, Chinese companies engaged in business diversifying too early, which already made it miss some industry restructuring opportunities. Big color TV manufacturers failed to make investment in some key technologies after building up capital. Instead, they swiftly diversified their business into personal computers, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines and some small home appliances. However, market conditions of these products have no significant difference from that of color TV. These companies, which intended to reap profits from multiple fields, found their business deteriorating in many sectors. Color TV cannot help the companies to perform better in other fields, while other businesses diverted these firms’ efforts in color TV manufacturing and marketing. Konka, TCL and Hisense all posted significant losses in their PC and refrigerator businesses.

After new business expansion consumed huge amount of investment of these color TV giants, these firms, intending to make a breakthrough, made serious mistakes in choosing technology solutions. There were two ways for the breakthrough. One is manufacturing rear-projection TVs in line with international color TV technology standards and the actual market demand in China, which has proved to be a shortcut to success. Sichuan Changhong 

Electric Company adopted this strategy. The other, which was adopted by Hisense and TCL, is integrating information technology with color TV manufacturing. This strategy proves to be not in line with international color TV technology development trend and not compatible with the actual market demand in China. Hisense’s strategy in making interactive TVs and TCL’s strategy in producing HID (home information display) products turned out to be inefficient in generating profits, although they are feasible theoretically and the products seemingly have promising prospect.

The outlook of color TV market in China for the next 10 years has become very clear. High-end products led by digital rear-projection TVs are expected to be leading items in China’s color TV market. Sichuan Changhong Electric Company is the only indigenous manufacturer who seized the opportunity.(brandl)


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